The Pen Chants

Features by Lyle Michael

Winds of Change

They say people come,
They say people go.
But with you it’s forever.
This you should know.

The winds of change could swirl,
Rush and throw it all away.
And it would be strange
If you won’t matter a day.

In the halcyon years of us,
When not a moment was spared.
To be with the other
And every little detail we shared.

Shifting sands take you away from here.
From now, our own xanadu.
For life goes on…
I’ll still be me, will you be you?

Do you stop your soul from flying then?
Let go, set yourself free…
Ponder on the horizon beyond
Without your crimson ray upon me.

Or each day at the crack of an egg
Should I wake.
Make morning into a key
And toss it into the lake?

That you might find your way home.
Take your place at the stair.
Sip on your Earl Grey.
Relive those moments, now so rare.

Yet go, you must; leave.
And set your feet on firm ground.
Paint with strokes of abandon.
Someday I know, we will be found.